rue des Jardins d’Annevoie 37a, 5537 Anhée · Annevoie-Rouillon, DINANT, Belgium
The Gardens of Annevoie reflect the history of the de Montpellier family, whose roots go back to the middle of the 15th century.
Since 2.000 the surface has grown from 20 to 55 ha and they have undergone a revival with the creation of a pond near the entrance, a playground, a raspberry garden, a rosary and a kitchen garden.
rue des Jardins d’Annevoie 37a
5537 Anhée · Annevoie-Rouillon,
District: DINANT, Belgium
Tel: +32(0)82 67 97 97
LES JARDINS D'ANNEVOIE, rue des Jardins d’Annevoie 37a, 5537 Anhée · Annevoie-Rouillon, District: DINANT, Belgium